Montalcino, Tuscany -  Flats in old farmhouse

Villa S. Maria
Via Landi, 33
Montalcino - Siena -Italy
Phone (+39) 336366150


Montalcino - The town

The town of Montalcino is situated on a hill at 1845 ft above s.l.. Montalcino, whose territory is among the largest in central Italy, has joined the “Park of the Val d’Orcia”. The typical Mediterranean scrub, mostly characterized by Holm oaks, cover the landscape. The countryside around is a patchwork of vineyards. Highly valued wines are produced here, such as the young “Rosso di Montalcino D.O.C.”, the “Moscatello D.O.C.” and the “Sant’Antimo D.O.C.”. But the most famous and renowned of Montalcino wines is certainly the so-called “Brunello” which was awarded the D.O.C.G. label.

Montalcino - S.Antimo
The production of extra-virgin olive oil is of great importance too and, recently, also apiculture entered the scene so strongly that the “Settimana del Miele” (the week of honey) has become one of the most important national and international venues in this business.

In 814 Ludovic the Pius donated the territory of Montalcino to the Abbey of Sant’Antimo. The church of Sant’Antimo, which is situated at 9 km from the town on the road to Castelnuovo dell’abate, is today one of the most beautiful Romanic churches in Italy.
Legend says that the church was erected on the remains of an ancient chapel built by Charles the Great in 781; the abbey was built later between 1000 and 1118.

Montalcino - the fortress
Ancient walls headed by 16 towers, partially preserved, surround Montalcino. They join the impressive fortress, from top of which one can enjoy a wonderful view of the Val d’Orcia. Walking around the town many medieval buildings can be seen, starting with the “Palazzo Comunale” (the former town hall) with its tall tower and decorated in coats of arms, the monumental Open-Gallery with its gothic arcades,

the neoclassical style Cathedral built on the remains of an 11th century parish church, the 17th century Sanctuary of the “Madonna del Soccorso”, the church of “Sant’Egidio” and the church and convent of “Sant’Agostino”, whose walls are painted with frescoes of the 14th century Sienese School.

Montalcino, Tuscany  - the palace
The Convent houses the interesting Museum of Sacred Art. The collection is considered one of the most important in the area of Siena and shows a complete panorama of the artistic production in Montalcino with masterpieces by Duccio di Buoninsegna and his School, Bartolo di Fredi, the Lorenzetti Brothers, Simone Martini, Luca di Tommè, Sano di Pietro, Vecchietta, Vincenzo Tamagni, Marco di Pino (a pupil of Beccafumi) and Giovanni di Lorenzo.
The museum also displays a large number of painted wooden sculptures of great value for the national heritage, a collection of majolica jugs from the 13th century, a collection of ancient golden artefacts, a 12th century Atlantic Bible and some fine “Della Robbias”.
Montalcino is also well known for the “Sagra del Tordo” (Fiesta of the Thrush). Every last Sunday of October this folkloristic-gastronomic event takes place to bring people back to the Middle Ages with its procession, its colourful costumes, the traditional dance of the “Trescone” and the archers, representing the four “Contrade” (districts), challenging each other with great pride.
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